Monday, December 3, 2012

A Case of the Mondays

Another weekend over...why do the weekends seem to pass so much more quickly than the weekdays?
After a great weekend, Kavan and I were both back to work today. I am finally finished the LAST paper of my first semester of graduate school. It's a good feeling!

Friday, Kavan and I, had my brother and his girlfriend, Layla, over for supper. Afterwards, we went out for awhile to a local pub on Whyte Ave. Now that Kavan has a wheelchair, it has been much easier for us to get out.

Saturday night Kavan had a video game night with the boys. He was able to enjoy this from the comfort of his own home, so the foot pain wasn't so much of an issue.

Sunday afternoon we ventured out to the Festival of Trees in downtown Edmonton. We took Kavan's nephew, Patrick, and he had a ball. It was nice to get out and start to enjoy the Christmas season.

So, now on to an update on Kavan's foot. He remains on both oral and topical anti-biotics which seem to really be helping his wound heal. He had several large blisters on his foot that popped over the weekend. Kavan said this provided tremendous relief as he felt that pressure was released. His wound remains fairly gross looking, but I am feeling good about the healing thus far. It seems like there have been positive, small changes on a daily basis. I can't wait until he is back to normal!

Tonight, we are off to see the new James Bond movie. This was not my choice whatsoever. Nowadays, it's fairly easy for Kavan to guilt me in to activities that I don't want to do....I guess there are some benefits to all of this.

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