Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kavan's big PARTY!

On Tuesday night we had a big celebration for Kavan. We were extremely fortunate to have help organizing a nice get together for Kavan's friends and family. At the same time, we were able to raise about $4000.00 for the Cross Cancer Institute and the Canadian Cancer Society. I know Kavan is forever grateful for the fantastic care and support he has received over the past year. Thanks to everyone who made it out to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Amanda, Kavan, Sarah & Lindsay

Kavan and I

Kavan, Betty, Grandpa and I

Kavan delivering his speech

Danny & Kavan

Kavan & Dave

Diane & Kavan

Kavan, Me, Kacey & Nick

Matt, Mandi, Me & Kavan

Kavan, Anthony & Jamie

Kavan and his parents

The guys (and a few girls!)

Kavan & Mark

Chris, Ryan & Kavan

Kavan, Tim, Danny & Dave

Dalal & Kavan

Adam & Kavan

Katie & Kavan
This weekend we are off to enjoy some sun with friends and family at Lac La Bice! Happy Canada Day!

Friday, June 21, 2013


I've never been so happy to have something over with. As a kid I remember waiting excitedly for the final day of class before summer vacation, but this definitely trumps those feelings. Kavan has finally finished chemotherapy for Ewing's Sarcoma. It's been 50 weeks. A rough 50 weeks. In fact, I think for myself and those close to Kavan it was the worst 50 weeks of my life thus far. It was tremendously difficult to watch someone you adore essentially being poisoned. Someone, who at 26 was having aches and pains not supposed to be encountered until old age. I think for many of us it has been a year without sleep, sometimes I look a myself in the mirror and can't help but notice how I've aged significantly in the last year. They say stress isn't good for you, and I can see know they are most certainly correct.

Kavan has been feeling relatively well this week. He had a bit of achiness from the neulasta, but seems to be much better today. In the next few weeks, Kavan will have many appointments. I think he will be glowing from the amount of scans he is to have. As well, he will have his IVAD taken out. I think that's been his favorite part of this year. Because of the IVAD, he's gotten out of carrying anything of the slightest weight. Sometimes I think strangers must see us together, me the mule-him not carrying anything, and think what a jerk he must be. Well Kavan, your non-carrying days are numbered, and you're going to be useful again!
Kavan @ the Cross for his LAST chemo

On another note, Kavan's big party/fundraiser is coming up on Tuesday! We are very excited to be able to celebrate with everyone!

Here are the details:
When: Tuesday, June 25th @ 6:30pm
Where: GoodFellows Pub Edmonton (3046 106 St NW, Edmonton)
Cost: $20.00 at the door, (includes a little food and donation to charity)

For those not able to attend, Kavan is accepting donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. 

Click HERE to donate!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On the Eve of the End

I can hardly believe it...tomorrow is the last of Kavan's chemotherapy treatments! Wow, one half day away from freedom! This feeling brings me back to childhood, where tomorrow is Christmas morning, and I am so excited that I can barely contain myself.

This weekend we enjoyed a much needed retreat to the Jasper Park Lodge. Kavan got in his first game of golf in over a year! I think he enjoyed himself, however his game will be much improved when he finally gets rid of that pesky port! We were able to enjoy the serenity of the Rocky Mountains and now Kavan is able to tackle his last round of chemo, and me, my pesky final paper of the year.

Our fancy dinner at the Moose's Nook

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A big big big thank you to Mr & Mrs Hyde for a lovely weekend and a very Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Final Countdown

I can't believe we're now 49 weeks into this whole ordeal and only have 6 days left. It seems like only yesterday that kavan received the news that he had cancer.

Kavan's been feeling quite well these days. In fact, he even made it out for a night on the town with the boys! Friday he has another round of bloodwork to ensure he's able to have chemotherapy on Monday.

Let's all cross our fingers that all goes well at the appointment and we can finally close this chapter.

Have a nice week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:111 St NW,Edmonton,Canada

Monday, June 3, 2013

One Year Ago....

One year ago, on June 1, 2012, Kavan had the surgery that would change his life forever. It's hard to believe this all began a little over one year ago. Now, don't mistake this for nostalgia, I'm not sure that I would look upon this past year with fond memory. I think for Kavan and those close to him, including myself, it has been a year full of personal challenges. The challenge to have faith and remain hopeful in the face of extreme adversity, the challenge to maintain a "normal life" while battling cancer and, the challenge to remain physically well while essentially receiving poisons.

Kavan's foot following surgery last June

I have to say, Kavan handled the events of this past year with such grace. I look to him with fond admiration and a slight twinge of jealousy, as I am not always capable of handling stressors in my life in the same manner. I don't know anyone else who could've handled things so well and I am so proud to say he's mine. (I know not officially quite yet!)

Kavan on the day his IVAD port was inserted
Now on to the update, overall Kavan has been feeling quite well. He was tired over the weekend and is noticing that he is becoming more tired with physical exertion. I'm sure his body is exhausted from all the fighting and regenrating it must do. One more treatment to go....

We are planning a BIG celebration on Tuesday, June 25th to mark the end of Kavan's treatments and transition from cancer patient to cancer survivor. I cannot contain my excitement. The party will be a bit of a fundraiser so that a donation may be made in Kavan's name to the cancer charity of his choice. I know that he really would like to give back to the system that has treated him so well over the past year. So, if you can make it, please join in our celebration!

When: Tuesday, June 25th @ 6:30pm
Where: GoodFellows Pub Edmonton (3046 106 St NW, Edmonton)
Cost: $20.00 at the door, (includes a little food and donation to charity)

For those who love Kavan but are unable to attend this event, he is also collecting donations online for the Canadian Cancer Society. To donate please visit the link below:

Click here to donate for Kavan's team!