Wednesday, November 21, 2012


WOW. Kavan has two more treatments in his radiation therapy. I'm so glad this is almost over. I think this has been the hardest, most painful thing Kavan has dealt with besides the initial surgery. To me, it seems that he has been the most down during the past 25 treatments of radiation. It has impacted him physically more than the chemotherapy has up to this point. It's really restricted him from engaging in his favorite activities such as swimming or working out.

So, this friday we will break out the champagne and celebrate. This is one more thing we can check of the list and hope to never EVER encounter again. I'm thankful that Kavan does not require radiation of his brain or torso. As much as this has been a terrible experience, I am thankful it is his leg and not his head that is receiving the zaps.

One of my favorite photos of Kavan...enjoying some time @ the lake
I have to say once again how impressed I am with Kavan. I think I might complain more about this than he does. Though he does seem a bit down at times, he's largely his happy old self.

A recent photo of Kavan's ankle-Ouch!
Today Kavan FINALLY had a consult with a physiotherapist. This is something that should have been done months and months ago. It sounds like he will receive quite intensive physiotherapy possibly up until a year and a half from now. When Kavan's tumor was removed back in June, they took some of the muscle with the tumor to ensure every last bit of the tumor would be gone. Now, I'm far removed from my nursing anatomy courses so I couldn't tell you which muscles exactly were effected. The physiotherapist noted a significant difference in range of motion between Kavan's feet/legs. I am thankful he will now have an expert monitoring his progress and ensuring he is doing everything he can to get back to normal.

Let's cross our fingers the next two days go well so we may all kiss this radiation good-bye. Not even good-bye, more like good riddance!

Kavan and I this summer at a wedding

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