Well, another week over, another week closer to the end of Kavan's treatment. Last week marked the start of Kavan's 28 days of radiation therapy. He's now completed five radiation treatments and has 23 more. That puts the end of radiation somewhere near November 23. It seems so far off, but much like the last 15 weeks, I know that it will pass quickly.
Kavan and Patrick at the hockey game |
For the past week Kavan has received his radiation treatment each day after work. The actual radiation takes approximately 15 minutes and I'm sure it takes longer for him to change and prepare for the treatment than to receive the treatment. So far Kavan hasn't really had many side effects from the radiation. He says he feels slightly more tired afterwards but nothings besides that. Radiation therapy staff informed us that he may expect a sunburn in the area being radiated. Hopefully that's the worst of it.
Other than the start of radiation, Kavan's week was largely uneventful. The kind of week I have grown to appreciate. He was able to go to work everyday. He's really enjoying his work and I'm so grateful that he has something to keep him busy and his mind occupied. I really believe that his job has kept him healthy through all of this. Friday we had a meeting with his oncologist to check his progress and blood counts. I'm happy to report everything was within normal limits and we can proceed with chemotherapy this week. His hemoglobin levels have even recovered pushing the possibility of a blood transfusion a little later.
This weekend we all went for our flu immunizations. It's something so important for people who are immuno-compromised like Kavan. We all received the vaccination to protect Kavan. There is a possibility that if Kavan contracted the flu he would wind up in the hospital. This is something I definitely would not want to happen!
Patrick and Kavan after their flu immunizations |
So, on to another week. Kavan will have chemotherapy and radiation for five days this week. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, it's his 26th birthday this Saturday, October 27. I'm so excited for him to celebrate with his family and friends. It's seems that this year is extra special and we have so much to celebrate for.
Ryan and Kavan at Shrimp Fest @ Red Lobster a.k.a. Festival of Gluttony |
Hopefully this cycle of chemotherapy goes just as smoothly as the past cycles have! Please please please remember to stay home if you're sick and wash your hands. And if you're around someone who is immuno-compromised go and get vaccinated! It might not be so important to you...but can be life or death for them! Have a good week all!
Patrick, Kavan and I |
Gramps Hyde and Kavan |
Lil' Patrick |