Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Well, I guess we're back to having very chilly Halloween nights. After having very mild Halloweens the last few years, this year served to remind us all of where we live.

My amazing pumpkin 
Tonight I headed over to the Hyde household for our traditional Halloween dinner. Halloween is so much more enjoyable when you have a little one to share it with. It was so great to see Patrick so excited to wear his costume and go out trick-or-treating. Kavan and I bundled up and headed outside for a brief jaunt around the neighborhood. I think we made it to about four houses before the weather ushered us back inside.
Leonardo with his crayola swords

My best ninja turtle impression 
In other news, Kavan is back to work and feeling well. He's finding that his leg receiving radiation feels quite tight and he has to do frequent stretches. Other than that, things are going well! His hair is even growing back as he has not had doxyrubicin in quite some time. He's like my very own fuzzy duckling! It's amazing because his new hair is very very light much like it was when he was a young child.

Kavan & Patrick

Kavan's Jack-o-Latern
Have a good week all!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 17!

Kavan & I at MKT
Ryan, Jamie, Cory & Kavan
Wow. What a great weekend! This weekend we celebrated Kavan's 26th birthday. Saturday was a full day of celebration. First, we went birthday shopping with Kavan's family and Kavan was very successful. Saturday night we enjoyed a night out with Kavan's friends. It was a great evening and about 20 of Kavan's closest friends made it out for dinner and drinks at MKT.

I am happy to report that Kavan was on his best behaviour despite his friends ulterior motives. He had a fantastic time and I was so happy to see him enjoying himself. Just like old times.

Birthday boy

Cory and Kavan

Sunday night we celebrated Kavan's birthday with his immediate family. I have come to depend on weekly Sunday night dinners at the Hyde household for a breather and start to the week. It's always hard to leave at the end of the night. We also started our preparations for Halloween last night. With Kavan's radiation schedule and my schoolwork it's been difficult to find time for our favorite Halloween tradition, pumpkin carving. We got a head start on it last night.

Singing happy birthday to Kavan

So, now it's back to work for Kavan. He will continue to have radiation after work each day. He remarked today how tired it has been making him. Despite this, he managed to run on the elliptical for an hour today! I can't even do this! So proud of him!

Patrick's scary halloween face and his pumpkin

Friday, October 26, 2012

Another cycle DONE!

Today marked the end of another chemotherapy cycle. Woo Hoo! Now for a couple of weeks off! I think this cycle has been even more difficult because of the radiation Kavan received each day. He says he's been feeling a lot more fatigued since the radiation started. He's now had 9 radiation treatments...that means only 19 left....I'm counting down the days.

Kavan's been in great spirits this week. Just his usual old self. He even finds time to torment me!

Tomorrow we will celebrate his 26th birthday. I think we'll be celebrating more than his birthday. We'll be celebrating the fact he is alive and winning his battle against Ewing's Sarcoma. We'll celebrate that he's been able to continue on with a somewhat normal life. And, most importantly, we'll celebrate that through this all he is still same old Kavan, smiling each and every day.

More to come on this weekend's festivities....

Handsome even during chemo

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tales from a chemotherapy ward...

Well, Kavan's just about half way through this cycle of chemotherapy. Only three more days to go. I think this cycle has been especially difficult so far because not only does he have 8 hours of chemotherapy but he also has radiation. A double whammy! It's been going well so far...I can't wait until it's over so we can celebrate Kavan's birthday this weekend.

The last few times I've gone to visit Kavan he's mentioned the bickering that sometimes occurs between chemotherapy patients. Not part of this bickering, Kavan tends to be a silent witness just wanting to take in these comedic exchanges. What could patients possibly being arguing about you ask? Well...they bicker about who has it worse. "My diagnosis is worse than yours because....But my treatment is X number of weeks....Well, I'm probably going to die sooner..."

I'm sure you get the picture. I'm glad he finds some sort of comedic relief in such absurdity. It's sort of funny to see individuals who wear their diagnosis/treatment regimen like a badge of honor. Like this is some sort of competition to be won. Unfortunately, the "I'm worse" contest is not one you really want to win because ultimately you will be the biggest loser of your life.

I'm thankful Kavan does not feel the need to engage in such a pointless debate. I cannot say enough how much I admire his positive attitude through all of this. Kav, you are a winner in my eyes!

Visitors on Day 1 Chemo: My Dad, Auntie Jan & Kavan

Sunday, October 21, 2012

And week 16 begins...

Well, another week over, another week closer to the end of Kavan's treatment. Last week marked the start of Kavan's 28 days of radiation therapy. He's now completed five radiation treatments and has 23 more. That puts the end of radiation somewhere near November 23. It seems so far off, but much like the last 15 weeks, I know that it will pass quickly.
Kavan and Patrick at the hockey game

For the past week Kavan has received his radiation treatment each day after work. The actual radiation takes approximately 15 minutes and I'm sure it takes longer for him to change and prepare for the treatment than to receive the treatment. So far Kavan hasn't really had many side effects from the radiation. He says he feels slightly more tired afterwards but nothings besides that. Radiation therapy staff informed us that he may expect a sunburn in the area being radiated. Hopefully that's the worst of it.

Other than the start of radiation, Kavan's week was largely uneventful. The kind of week I have grown to appreciate. He was able to go to work everyday. He's really enjoying his work and I'm so grateful that he has something to keep him busy and his mind occupied. I really believe that his job has kept him healthy through all of this. Friday we had a meeting with his oncologist to check his progress and blood counts. I'm happy to report everything was within normal limits and we can proceed with chemotherapy this week. His hemoglobin levels have even recovered pushing the possibility of a blood transfusion a little later.

This weekend we all went for our flu immunizations. It's something so important for people who are immuno-compromised like Kavan. We all received the vaccination to protect Kavan. There is a possibility that if Kavan contracted the flu he would wind up in the hospital. This is something I definitely would not want to happen!

Patrick and Kavan after their flu immunizations
So, on to another week. Kavan will have chemotherapy and radiation for five days this week. There is a light at the end of this tunnel, it's his 26th birthday this Saturday, October 27. I'm so excited for him to celebrate with his family and friends. It's seems that this year is extra special and we have so much to celebrate for.
Ryan and Kavan at Shrimp Fest @ Red Lobster a.k.a. Festival of Gluttony

Hopefully this cycle of chemotherapy goes just as smoothly as the past cycles have! Please please please remember to stay home if you're sick and wash your hands. And if you're around someone who is immuno-compromised go and get vaccinated! It might not be so important to you...but can be life or death for them! Have a good week all!

Patrick, Kavan and I

Gramps Hyde and Kavan

Lil' Patrick

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Social Support Theory

People going through traumatic illnesses or experiences need support from their families and friends. No surprise here. This past while I was doing my reading for school I came across an article about the social support theory. This theory is based on the notion that there are important relationships between interpersonal support, sense of control and one's health. The article I read states, "...when he noted that decreased social support affects the body's defense system, rendering the individual more susceptible to disease". So what does this have to do with Kavan?

What do you think of Kavan's new hair?
Kavan, Jamie, Danny & Ryan
Video game night-my fave!
I believe that one of the reasons Kavan is doing so well with his fight against Ewing's Sarcoma aside from his amazing attitude is the support he has received from family and friends. It is so vital during stressful times and I can see the impact the great outpouring of support has had on him. From his parents and siblings, to his close group of friends. Thanks to all for the support. Even a night in playing video games helps! (Much to my dismay) I have to say that I'm very impressed with all the well wishes and support Kavan has received from his friends. Sometimes, in times of stress there is a tendency for people to retreat as they can be uncomfortable with dealing with distressing news. I have not noticed this with Kavan's friends or family at all. So, a BIG thank you! He loves hearing from all of you, so keep it up!
Patrick & I at the park
This past week Kavan enjoyed his first week of work at his new branch. He seems very happy with his job and seems to be learning a great deal. It was an uneventful week, the best kind. Tomorrow he will begin the first of 28 treatments of radiation. He is slated to finish on November 23. EEEK! Seems so far off, but I'm sure that it will pass as quickly as the last few months have.

Kavan's radiation therapy will take place each day at 5pm. They have agreed make his treatment schedule around his work day which is fantastic, however, this will make for any extremely long day. Apparently, the treatment will take only about 15 minutes. Much to Kavan's disappointment he will not be radioactive after his treatment and will not have any special powers. Too bad!

Have a good week! Let's all keep our fingers crossed that Kavan's radiation therapy gets off to a good, uneventful start!!
Two handsome guys
Funny faces at the park-Patrick's idea

Patrick & Kavan at the park

Kavan and Patrick at the park

Monday, October 8, 2012

Today I'm Thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe another thanksgiving is upon us. How the time flies. I'm happy to report that Kavan is feeling much better and has almost made a full recovery from his cough. He has been feeling well and able to enjoy all of his normal activities.

Friday night we headed out with our friends Lindsay & Jakub Komar. We went to a small bar where we played pool. Kavan enjoyed a few beers, if it wasn't for the bald head you wouldn't have ever known that he was receiving treatment for cancer. Thank goodness for that. On Saturday he enjoyed more time with friends. Sometimes I think that even he forgets about what else is going on. I am truly thankful that he is well enough to do all of these things..I know some people receiving treatment are so exhausted that leaving the house is a difficult task. I guess age and the fact that is healthy is really on his side.

Kavan and his GIGANTIC stein of beer at Mrkt
Today we enjoyed thanksgiving lunch at Kavan's house. We had a full house today including the Rutman family, Dr.Magnus, the entire Hyde family and my brother and his girlfriend. It was so nice to have everyone together to enjoy a nice meal. We all ate so much food a mid-afternoon nap was warranted, though Kavan's nephew was having none of that.

Patrick, David, Layla & Kavan
What am I thankful for? Isn't this the purpose of thanksgiving to cause us to pause and think about all of things we are so fortunate for? It is so easy at this moment in time to veer off to a negative place and have thoughts such as 'why kavan'? I often find myself going there. However, it's days like today (and should be everyday) that remind us to think about the positives in life. So here it goes, today I'm thankful for the fact Kavan is healthy enough to enjoy the simple pleasures in life: dining with family, enjoying drinks with friends and laughing at a joke. I'm thankful that he is winning his battle against this awful disease and doing so with the biggest smile on his face. I'm thankful we live in a country in which you don't have to take out a second mortgage on your house to pay for treatment. I'm thankful that I have a best friend who is capable of teaching me life's most precious lessons.

Mrs. Rutman & Kavan
I'll say it again, Kavan you are truly an inspiration. I'm so proud of the grace you have shown while dealing with hopefully the most difficult situation in your life. We're all so fortunate to know you.

Patrick & Kavan

Bobo enjoying a Thanksgiving cupcake

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

All is well

After feeling pretty lousy over the last couple of days, Kavan has survived the worst and is now on the road to recovery from his cough. He went to work for awhile on Monday but midway through his day decided it was not likely in the best interests of his clients for him to remain at work. At my nagging recommendations, and I mean NAGGING, he stayed home from work today and rested. I think a little relaxation and sleep went a LONG way as he is feeling much better.

He seemed a little dicey yesterday and there were brief moments that I had flashbacks to that horrible night we spent in the Royal Alex ER department. I was hoping that this illness would not earn him a return trip. He is under strict instructions from his oncologist to monitor his temperature each day. If his temperature is above 38 degrees, he is to proceed to the nearest ER for bloodwork and monitoring. Not so much fun especially if you are the person waiting with him. Too much stress!

So, let's all cross our fingers that Kavan continues to recover from his cough. As well, let's all wash our hands super well and cover our mouths when we cough. These days I find myself glaring at those who fail to perform such simple tasks.

Have a good week!
Kavan and I at my best friend's wedding last fall