Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Good News

Today Kavan had his pre-chemotherapy follow up with his oncologist. He recently had a CT and heart scan and I know we were both anxious for the results.

Good news! CT scan was all clear! We can all breathe a huge sigh of relief. This was done again to ensure there were no metastases to Kavan's lungs. This type of cancer, Ewing's Sarcoma, can be quite aggressive and will tend to travel first to the lungs. This news was so reassuring.

As for the heart scan, this was repeated to ensure the Doxirubicin hadn't diminished Kavan's heart function. He had one of these scans prior to treatment and this was a follow up to make certain there wasn't any significant changes in heart function. Good news: no change in heart function. His heart is as strong as it always was!!

Kavan also had his blood counts checked today as he is to have chemotherapy tomorrow. His white blood cell counts were all within normal ranges so that means chemo will proceed as planned. His oncologist mentioned that his red blood cell counts have dropped slightly over the past few treatments. This is something that can be quite common with chemotherapy treatments and was pretty much expected. It is not currently at a critical level, but within the next few months there is a possibility that Kavan may require a blood transfusion. He's been feeling very energetic lately so I have to say that I really haven't noticed the effects of the dropping red blood cells.

So we received mostly good news today. Tomorrow Kavan will have ANOTHER cycle of chemotherapy. Just one day this time! After tomorrow, I am pleased to report that he is one-quarter done his required treatments. How exciting. Let's all cross our fingers and hope that tomorrow's chemo goes as well as those past!

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