Kavan did remarkably well after his chemotherapy on Thursday. He was able to attend work for the full day on Friday and reported feeling quite well. He started sniffling late Friday night and it progressed into a nagging cough by today. He's always been quite stubborn when it comes to treating a cough/cold. Personally, I would rather not suffer with the terrible symptoms: runny nose, nagging cough, achy body, so I tend to take cold pills at the very second any of these symptoms appear. However the same cannot be said for Kavan. I think it's a man thing. A yearning to show how strong and tough they are. I finally convinced Kavan that it might be wise to take something, just enough to help him to get a good night's sleep. He agreed though I still had to witness him taking his pills. I was sure he was going to spit them out when I wasn't looking.
Throughout the last few days his temperature has been within the normal range which leads me to believe this is nothing but a pesky virus. For the most part he has good coloring and is in good spirits. I am hoping a solid eight to ten hours of sleep will have him all fixed up! He needs to be well enough to enjoy his freedom...No appointments this week! YEAH!
So let this be a reminder of how important handwashing/hand sanitizing is. With proper handwashing we can stop the spread of most illnesses. Please send out good vibes to Kavan for a speedy recovery!
Kavan during one of his favorite activities |