Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sick Day.

Well it was inevitable. The day finally came when Kavan caught the common cold/cough. We've all been diligently trying to prevent such a day through handwashing and sanitizers but it seems like even our best efforts have not been enough. Another reminder of how fragile Kavan's health is at the current time.

Kavan did remarkably well after his chemotherapy on Thursday. He was able to attend work for the full day on Friday and reported feeling quite well. He started sniffling late Friday night and it progressed into a nagging cough by today. He's always been quite stubborn when it comes to treating a cough/cold. Personally, I would rather not suffer with the terrible symptoms: runny nose, nagging cough, achy body, so I tend to take cold pills at the very second any of these symptoms appear. However the same cannot be said for Kavan. I think it's a man thing. A yearning to show how strong and tough they are. I finally convinced Kavan that it might be wise to take something, just enough to help him to get a good night's sleep. He agreed though I still had to witness him taking his pills. I was sure he was going to spit them out when I wasn't looking.

Throughout the last few days his temperature has been within the normal range which leads me to believe this is nothing but a pesky virus. For the most part he has good coloring and is in good spirits. I am hoping a solid eight to ten hours of sleep will have him all fixed up! He needs to be well enough to enjoy his freedom...No appointments this week! YEAH!

So let this be a reminder of how important handwashing/hand sanitizing is. With proper handwashing we can stop the spread of most illnesses. Please send out good vibes to Kavan for a speedy recovery!

Kavan during one of his favorite activities

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chemo Day

Today Kavan finished his 5th round of chemotherapy. Only one day this cycle. Today he received doxirubicin, vinecristine and cyclophosphamide. Aside from looking pale, I'd say everything went well today.

This evening he reported feeling a little nauseous and quite tired but I guess that is to be expected. He has every intention of going to work tomorrow. How many times can I repeat that I am amazed by him! I'm so proud of his strength and am truly pleased things have been going so well for him. It seems like every second day someone inquires about his progress and they, themselves, cannot believe how well Kavan is doing. I hope he continues to defy odds and expectations.

With that being said, Kavan is now officially done 1/4 of his treatment regimen. I hope the next 3/4 goes as smoothly. With his next cycle of chemotherapy, slated to start on October 15, Kavan will begin his 28 days of radiation therapy.

Kavan and his thanksgiving crafts. No these were not provided by the Cross. Thanks to Amanda for providing some humor in Kavan's day.

Kavan and his visitors- Amanda and Mrs.Hyde

And now to the weekend, one I'm sure will be low-key and full of sleep!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Good News

Today Kavan had his pre-chemotherapy follow up with his oncologist. He recently had a CT and heart scan and I know we were both anxious for the results.

Good news! CT scan was all clear! We can all breathe a huge sigh of relief. This was done again to ensure there were no metastases to Kavan's lungs. This type of cancer, Ewing's Sarcoma, can be quite aggressive and will tend to travel first to the lungs. This news was so reassuring.

As for the heart scan, this was repeated to ensure the Doxirubicin hadn't diminished Kavan's heart function. He had one of these scans prior to treatment and this was a follow up to make certain there wasn't any significant changes in heart function. Good news: no change in heart function. His heart is as strong as it always was!!

Kavan also had his blood counts checked today as he is to have chemotherapy tomorrow. His white blood cell counts were all within normal ranges so that means chemo will proceed as planned. His oncologist mentioned that his red blood cell counts have dropped slightly over the past few treatments. This is something that can be quite common with chemotherapy treatments and was pretty much expected. It is not currently at a critical level, but within the next few months there is a possibility that Kavan may require a blood transfusion. He's been feeling very energetic lately so I have to say that I really haven't noticed the effects of the dropping red blood cells.

So we received mostly good news today. Tomorrow Kavan will have ANOTHER cycle of chemotherapy. Just one day this time! After tomorrow, I am pleased to report that he is one-quarter done his required treatments. How exciting. Let's all cross our fingers and hope that tomorrow's chemo goes as well as those past!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Wow, another weekend over. We have been enjoying the most amazing fall weather. After our incredible summer and beautiful fall it seems we might pay for it this winter. Let's hope not!

Today we took full advantage of the nice weather and went on a walk in the river valley. We had the opportunity to take Kavan's nephew Patrick with us and he had a blast. Patrick adores his Uncle Kavan and it's amazing to watch the interaction between the two. Kavan is incredible with Patrick and it makes me recognize what a wonderful father he will be some day.

Below are just a few of the shots from today.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today I'm happy about.....

Another week over. Week 11 has come to an end. Kavan had a nice break the hospital and had absolutely no appointments. Aside from the bald head it seemed there were no reminders of the cancer. Such a nice break. I did not blog this week largely due to the fact there has been not much to report. This is very much one of those situations where no news is good news.

Kavan had a great week of work. He's really starting to hit his stride at work and seems very proud of what he's doing at work. I'm proud of him for getting up everyday and carrying on despite his current situation. He's truly a marvel!

The break will be short-lived as Kavan will have a round of chemotherapy this week pending his blood count results. He will have a bloodwork and a meeting with his oncologist, Dr.Chu on Wednesday and have chemotherapy on Thursday. I'm feeling optimistic that his blood counts are adequate...he looks healthier than me on most days! He should also received the results of his recent CT and heart scan on Wednesday. Let's all cross our fingers for good news.

Kavan on a recent trip to Hawaii

Throughout this whole ordeal I've done a lot of thinking about the power of a positive attitude. This has been difficult for me as I tend to be quite pessimistic about things. However, I am thankful that Kavan is the opposite; definitely an optimist. Kavan and I have had long talks about the rarity of his condition and why on earth this happened to him. Something that we have tried to do everyday since the beginning is speak everyday about the happy things. It's not hard to get wrapped up in negativity and sadness and forget to see the brightness that exists in everyday. We'll say to each other, "Today I'm happy about...." Often, it's the most mundane things that make us happy but it's so important not to forget that these can define the day if you let them. So, with that, I challenge everyone to think about the statement, "Today I'm happy about....," and see how it applies to your life. It's amazing what a difference such thinking can make.

Happy weekend......

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall Bliss

Wow. Fall is here. You can feel it in the air. I love the crispness of the air and the array of beautiful colours. I love that it's just warm enough to enjoy spending time outdoors, but cool enough to wear a cozy sweater. This weekend we were able to get outside and enjoy some of this lovely fall weather.

On Friday, after a long but productive week, Kavan and I went bowling with friends. We enjoyed ourselves but Kavan found it difficult due to his IVAD port and still tender left ankle. It was fun but we may have to place this activity on the back burner for awhile.

Kavan enjoying the Farmer's Market
Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day. We walked to the downtown farmer's market and picked up some veggies from the fall harvest. All summer this has been one of my favorite activities. So many different people and different goods. On the way home, Kavan enjoyed some free corn. Apparently there is such a thing as corn fest...who knew?
Kavan @ Corn Fest

Last night we celebrated Kavan's nephew, Patrick's 5th birthday. It's hard to believe he's already five. He's such a bright, charming little boy and it was such a pleasure seeing him enjoy his birthday celebration.

Patrick & Kavan

Patrick & I

Patrick and his Ninja Turtle Tower

This week Kavan will have a full week at work. No tests or appointments. How nice. Usually, he would have a follow up appointment with his oncologist on Friday to check his blood levels, but Dr.Chu will be away so this is delayed. It's kind of nice to take a little time out and enjoy a so-called normal life.

Have a nice week all!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another Day, Another Test

Today Kavan had more tests at the Cross Cancer Institute. He had both a CT scan of his chest and a MUGA (heart function test). The heart function test measured the function of his heart and it's ability to pump blood. Because Kavan is receiving the chemotherapy agent, Doxirubicin, he must have frequent heart scans to ensure that his heart is healthy enough to continue with treatment. One of the major side effects of Doxirubicin is its effect on the heart and cardiac output (ability of heart to pump blood efficiently). To me this is one of the scariest side effects. To even think about having heart issues in our 20's is a terrifying thing. Fingers crossed that his heart will be perfect, just as the first test told us.

He also had a CT scan of his chest today. I asked him why he had another chest scan and he was unsure. We decided together that it was most likely to ensure that the cancer has not metastasized to his chest. Again...let's cross our fingers. He has been feeling fairly healthy so I am sure all will be well.

Kavan enjoying some lake time this summer
So far Kavan has been feeling quite well and has been able to attend work. So proud of him. I hope the rest of the week goes well!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Another Weekend Over

Wow. How time flies. Already Monday again tomorrow. This weekend seemed to fly by, as most tend to. We had another great weekend and were able to enjoy some more summer-like weather.

Friday night we stayed in and caught up on rest after a long week of chemotherapy. Yesterday we celebrated my Grandfather's 90th birthday party. What a feat! My Auntie Jan hosted the party at her home in Sherwood Park and about 60 people attended.  It was a fantastic event and I really enjoyed meeting so many people from various aspects of my Grandfather's life. He is very inspiring and I am so fortunate to be able to celebrate such a milestone with him.
Kavan and I at the big party

Kavan was able to attend the festivities and even enjoy some drinks (largely against my professional advice). He's managed without his anti-nauseants over the last few days. Earlier in the week he was finding the side effects quite troublesome. The steroids tend to make him very hungry and a little bit of an insomniac.

Kavan, Danny, Diane, Teeg and Layla at G-Pa's Birthday

The Cousins

Kavan, Betty, Grandpa & I

Grandpa and I

The Cornish Family
Needless to say, he caught up on his rest this weekend and is ready to face another work week. Today Kavan enjoyed a bike ride in the great weather. I think his joy was short-lived as I had the task of giving another injection of neulasta. $2700.00 gone in 30 seconds! We are now entering the low point of Kavan's immunity and hopefully the neulasta starts to do its job! Here's to hoping it's going to be an uneventful week!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 10: DONE!

Kavan's five days of chemotherapy have finally come to an end. After a week of constantly being bombarded by poisons we can say that week 10 is over. Now we can look forward to a bit of break before the next cycle starts on the 26th of September.
Patrick & Kavan on Day 2 

Overall, this cycle went well. Kavan was intermittently nauseous but never sick. I think this is the most fatigued I've seen him. The oncologist told us the fatigue may increase as he progresses through treatment. I guess it makes sense, the body gets tired as the toxic chemotherapy drugs are killing healthy cells.

Kavan and I on Day 4

Like previous cycles, Kavan went through this week's treatment with an attitude that was truly remarkable. I can honestly say that he is my hero. Even after a long day of treatment his sense of humor never fails and he continues tells terrible jokes that only he finds amusing. He continues to be physically active throughout treatment and each day tried to swim or run. Most of us can't even do this on the best of days.

Today Kavan had a slightly more eventful day as he had a consult for his upcoming radiation therapy. He got some new tattoos!! How exciting! As cancer treatment improves new techniques become available more more specific, localized treatment. This is definitely the case with radiation. He had three permanent "dot" tattoos inked on his left leg today. Guess he can't say he didn't get anything outta this. HAHA. These will help guide the radiation therapy to a very specific area, the spot where his Ewing's sarcoma first occurred. This is the area that a recurrence would most likely occur and therefore it is necessary to prevent this by administering 28 days of intense radiation.

Kavan's new tats....on on the foot, one above scar and one not pictured.

With respect to getting radiation, Kavan is lucky. His radiation will be extremely targeted and thus the chance for side effects is greatly diminished. Some side effects commonly associated with radiation include fatigue, secondary cancers, a sunburn-like rash, and bone weakness. Thankfully, Kavan does not require radiation over his head, chest, or torso because side effects tend to amplified in these areas. Kavan will begin the radiation during week 15 of five weeks before we have to think about this again.

A quiet night after a long week

Tonight we will spend time recovering from the week. Nothing a good meal and a night's rest can't fix. Tomorrow we will attend my grandfather's 90th birthday party. I know we are both really looking forward to the celebration of such a fantastic milestone. Happy weekend!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 10

Today marks the start of Kavan's 10th week of treatment. Though I often wish time would pass more quickly, it's hard to believe that it's already been 10 weeks.

I haven't written in a few days. Kavan had a great week at work. Very uneventful which is always good news in our world. He was able to work a complete week without feeling too under the weather. I think he is really enjoying his work at Scotiabank and it has provided him with a sense of purpose and responsibility.

Awaiting the news @ Cross Cancer Institute
Friday Kavan had yet another meeting with his oncologist, Dr.Chu. It was all good news this time as we were told Kavan's blood counts were sufficient to carry on with the next cycle of chemotherapy. It's odd how this has become all too routine. I was able to attend the appointment with Kavan and I found this to be very relieving as I was able to get some of my own questions answered. I have been curious about if the chemotherapy has a compounding effect on Kavan and what the coming months will look like for him. According to the doctor, Kavan should proceed through the coming months with similar side effects as he has already encountered with a slight increase in fatigue. This was great news as I am a pessimist by nature and have been imagining the worst.

This weekend we laid low. I have noticed that Kavan needs more sleep and that he did. Today we managed to go out for an afternoon of mini golf with Kavan's nephew, Patrick. It was our first time at Monster Mini Golf and we all had a great time.

Kavan and Patrick at Monster Mini Golf

Kavan & Gramps
Tomorrow Kavan will begin his fourth round of chemotherapy. This is the one that lasts for five days. Yeck! He will receive the Ifosfamide/Etoposide combination from about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thank god for the wireless Internet at the Cross Cancer Institute. Let's all cross our fingers that this course goes as well as the last have. Happy long weekend.....

Kavan & I.....Kavan now looks even more like an alien...