Sorry to disappoint you, the title of this blog does not in any way relate to a pregnancy announcement. (Yes, I do find myself especially amusing late at night after I've been typing for HOURS!). It's been nine months since Kavan finished his treatment and now it's time for another battery of radiation (from scans!) and blood tests. Another three months has flown by and its time for Kavan to see his oncologist...I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I find these check-ups to be quite anxiety provoking. The "What Ifs?' start flowing and I'm transported back to the day Kavan was initially diagnosed with cancer. Eeeek!
I think its probably normal to feel some anxiety, and some say its even healthy. I would tend to agree with this-if I felt no anxiety that would probably be abnormal. I must say that I've improved leaps and bounds in coping with this anxiety. Six months ago Kavan going for tests would have kept me awake all night, but now I sleep. I suppose this is because Kavan copes so well with things. He is eternally optimistic. You could call him an eternal ray of sunshine. Never in my life have I encountered a person who is happy all of the time, from the moment he wakes up until the moment he closes his eyes at night. It almost annoys me, though I am almost certain that these feelings of annoyance are really feelings of jealousy in disguise!
Anyways, enough of my ramblings...Kavan is a happy person! He will once again venture to the Cross Cancer Institute tomorrow for a variety of scans: MRI, CT, heart scan, bone scan. He is feeling fantastic and looking handsome. You would hardly know that he had ever been sick! So, cross your fingers or send your prayers his way that he remains cancer free!
In other fantastic news, Kavan has finally attended physiotherapy after my relentless nagging. I think it might have been difficult for him to even utter the words, "You were right, I should have gone sooner". It felt great to hear that, but even better is the progress Kavan has made in only three sessions. Last week he had accupuncture on his left leg and he says that his range of motion is almost back to pre-surgery/radiation levels. Yeah! I am thrilled for him as I know that he is closer to reaching his goal of playing ice hockey again.
At the end of this week (thankfully after his check-up blood work), Kavan will head to Phoenix with a few of his friends to celebrate his Bachelor party. I'm not sure I've seen him so giddy in quite some time. While you're praying that Kavan's tests come back clear, say another prayer that he survives his Bachelor weekend!
Have a nice week! More to come!