Kavan is coming up on 9 months since completing chemo. Time has kind of flown by. It seems like yesterday that we were hearing his diagnosis and he began treatment. The time seemed to drag last year and I had this monotonous countdown of the days and weeks until Kavan would be finished treatment. Now, cancer doesn't even cross my mind some days. It's quite bizarre now that I sit down and think about it, something that dominated our lives for over a year, now on occasionally crosses my mind.
Kavan will go for another round of testing at the Cross Cancer Institute shortly. I suppose it will be more on our minds then. The anxious waiting, the "what-ifs?". I have to say, with each passing day, I am feeling more and more positive about Kavan's long-term prognosis. He's looking healthier and healthier! He even wears shoes with a back!! I got my wish, the mullet shoes are gone!
So, I promise it won't quite be so long until the next post. Kavan is due for his next round of testing around April 9. Then he's off to the States for his Bachelor party. I think I worry about the bachelor party and his health more than the check-up!
These are the mullet shoes...Appropriate for one whose foot looks like that! |
This time last year...what a difference a year makes! |