Sunday, July 28, 2013


After a quick flight from Israel, we landed in Jordan yesterday. I have to say, Jordan is exactly what I'd pictured the Middle East to look like, dry and sandy. Yesterday, we spent the day in Amman enjoying some of the sites. Last night we had the opportunity to partake in a cooking class to learn how to make some of the local cuisine. I have to say that last night has been one of the highlights of the trip so far. Today we travelled to Petra, one of the locations of one of the seven wonders of the world. Tomorrow, we are going to enjoy more of Petra and then will be off to the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea.

At Cesearia in Israel

At our cooking class- Beit Seitti
Enjoying our cooking class
Mount Nebo

The Treasury

Cutest picture of the day-kitties!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


It's hard to believe that it's almost been one week since we left home! We've been in Israel for five days now and are having a fantastic time.

Kavan is happy and healthy! It's nice to see him with a bit of a tan, looking as he did prior to the chemotherapy. His eyebrows are almost completely grown back and the rest of his hair is slowly following. Sometimes he reminds me of a baby growing its first hair. Cute!

So far, we have spent time in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tiberias, the Golan Heights, the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. I have to say that Israel is a beautiful country! I could use some cooler temperatures though! It is amazing how the heat zaps your energy, it might just be me though, despite everything he's been through Kavan has a TON of energy. Not quite sure how he does it!

Here are some photos from our first five days in Israel!

Jerusalem in background

Kavan and I on our first couples camel ride

Much to my happiness, Israel is a cat dream land!

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Cat love

Kavan and I at Jesus's manger


The Dead Sea

Dead Sea Mud

The day I was scolded by a nun for my outfit :)

Me & our tour guide Moshe on the Sea of Galilee

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Wow, it's been almost two weeks since I've written on the blog. I'm sure some were anxious to hear about Kavan's progress since finishing chemotherapy on June 17. I'd like so say a big thank you again to all those who attended Kavan's party on June 25th, as well as those who donated from afar. An extra BIG BIG thanks to the Scambler family, the Hyde family and the Cornish family. So many were instrumental in organizing the party and making it a big success. I know Kavan is grateful for all the help!

The lack of blog over the past couple of weeks did not mean all was quiet with Kavan. In fact, Kavan has been consumed with scans and appointments. He's practically glowing from all the CTs, MRI and PET scans he's had in these last two weeks. Friday was a busy day for Kavan. He learned the news we've all been waiting for.....he's CANCER FREE!! All of his scans have come back completely clear. I think we're all breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. It feels like we've been waiting an eternity to hear such news!

In addition to his final bloodwork/check-up with Dr.Chu on Friday, Kavan also had his IVAD port removed. Hurray! Now I will no longer have to carry everything! I can't tell you how many times we'd be out in public and I would be schlepping all of our bags while Kavan strolled along comfortably. Those who weren't wise to the situation I'm sure thought he was a big jerk! I've told him that for the next year (once he's healed) that he will be carrying EVERYTHING!

While it is fantastic Kavan is finished his active cancer treatment, this battle against ewing's sarcoma is far from over. Kavan will be monitored quite intensively for the coming five years. The next two years will involve visits/scans every three months and two years after that it will be every six months. Now, for me at least, it will morph into a battle of the psyche, and trying not to become too anxious about test results. I hope that people remember that though the treatment over, there are lasting effects and follow ups to think about. I've recently come across a fantastic article basically outlining the same points. Here's the link:

On to the exciting news....we are off on Friday to start our travels overseas! Friday morning we will be flying to Tel-Aviv, Israel! Very exciting we get to celebrate Kavan's transition from cancer patient to cancer survivor. I think we are all in desperate need of a vacation!

Please check back for travel pictures and updates. I will be travelling with my computer and hoping to update quite often! Have a good week!

Proudly displaying his latest battle wound-IVAD removal