Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 42

We're now in the middle of week 42. I have to apologize for the delay in blogging. There has been a lot of excitement with the completion of my semester, going back to work and Kavan having chemotherapy last week.

Last Monday Kavan had a half day of chemotherapy. Because he no longer can receive doxyrubicin, his one day chemotherapy cycle, the duration of treatment has been greatly reduced! It's nice that he's not there for quite as long. In addition to the chemotherapy, Kavan also had several tests. He had a chest CT and a heart scan. We haven't yet heard what the results yet, so send your good vibes Kavan's way. With the last few chemotherapy treatments Kavan has felt crappy in the days after. He's been feeling more nauseous and even got sick with the last treatment. I'm not sure if this is kind of a compounding effect of the long chemotherapy or if he is not being quite as diligent with self-care as he was. I think he's so used to feeling good that perhaps he's not quite as good at drinking enough water and eating well. To me, eating well does not fit in the same sentence as McDonald's or Hungry Man. :)

Thursday night we had the opportunity to celebrate my cousin's 30th birthday. Kavan was feeling well enough at the time and we had a fantastic evening. Friday night we again celebrated Darcy's birthday and we had a long-overdue night out!

Myself, Betty, Grandpa, Darcy & Danny at Birthday Dinner

This week, Kavan is back and busy at work. He's feeling well and has been relatively hospital free! Next week he will have the next appointment with his oncologist to check blood levels prior to the next round of chemotherapy.

Have a nice week!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Brittle Nails

I think that if you asked Kavan what the worst side effect through all his treatment was, he'd say his brittle nails. Since he's started treatment, his nails have taken on a wavy appearance, with lines similar to those you'd see on a tree trunk. They are also extremely fragile and as a result tend to catch and rip easily. He's now carrying a nail file around with him! I know he says it's extremely painful when a nail catches on something and rips just like paper. Side effects that they never warn you about with chemo!

Sorry for the delay in blog posts. The last week has been busy with me finishing up my semester and Kavan's family visiting from England. So now to catch up on the last week!

We spent Saturday night in the ER in Sherwood Park because Kavan had a very inflamed thumb and a slight fever. We waited for over three hours to be sent home with antibiotics. I strategically chose to take Kavan to Sherwood Park because I knew that if another hospital checked his bloodwork, he would likely be admitted to the hospital. It was exactly at the point where his neutrophil count would be at its lowest and he didn't want to risk being admitted!

Good news...thumb is almost good as new!

A most unwelcome sight!
This week Kavan only worked a few days. He had LOADS of appointments. Monday he saw his physiotherapist and she continues to be impressed with his progress! He is making strides with his range of motion and flexibility in his ankle. Tuesday and Wednesday Kavan went to work. On Thursday Kavan saw Dr.Chu for another pre-chemo check-up. His labwork was within normal limits and he is able to start his next round of chemotherapy as planned. Friday Kavan saw his radiation oncologist and had a bone scan. More good news from the radiation oncologist who said she was impressed with the way Kavan's ankle had healed. It's hard to believe it looks as good as it does after it was so swollen and infected! Thank goodness! Fingers crossed that Kavan's bone scan comes back clear! I'm always anxious to hear his test results!

Preparing for hair re-growth!
On Monday evening Kavan's family arrived for a visit from England. They had been travelling the US for a wedding and decided to pop into Edmonton on their way back home. It was a great week (aside from the weather) and nice to see the family together. They are amazing, they only see each every few years, but when they're together it's as if they've never been apart.

Lizzie, Madoc, Kavan and Patrick on to chemotherapy tomorrow! It's only a half day this time since Kavan has reached his lifetime maximum of doxyrubicin. He will have more scans tomorrow afternoon. I'm not sure if it's a chest CT or heart scan.  Send your positive thoughts Kavan's way!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

And on to the weekend!

This week Kavan was back at work following his chemotherapy last week. He's been quite busy at work lately. He often comments that it can be difficult going back to work because he has to catch up on things that popped up when he was away. I know that he finds it stressful at times, but he is doing fantastically and I think his co-workers adore him as much as I do!

Kavan has been feeling well this week! I'm not too sure how he has so much energy all the time. I think I'm often more tired than he is! He has been busy working out and attempting to get rid of all that water weight from the week before! 

The next couple of weeks will be busy for Kavan. He has a TON of appointments coming up. This coming week he will go for physiotherapy, meetings with his oncologist and radiation oncologist, as well as the start of many scans. Fingers crossed that everything continues to go well. The end is in sight and I feel like we're in the final push!

As well, next week family visiting from England will arrive. The Hyde household will be a busy place. I know Kavan is very much looking forward to seeing his family again. I think most of us take for granted that our family is in one place. Kavan is lucky if he sees his family every couple of years!I know I'm very excited to meet more of Kavan's family. I only wish that we had better weather to offer them!

Below are some photos from Kavan's travels last year. It's hard to imagine that last year around this time he was arriving home from Asia only to discover his tumor a few weeks later. How time flies!

Kavan at the Great Wall of China

Teracotta Warriors

Kavan cooking...a rare sight!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Week 39

Another week over!

Kavan finished another five days of chemotherapy on Friday. Overall, I think he had a pretty good week. He had plenty of visitors which made the time pass quickly! I know that it made him happy to see each and every one of you, so a big thank you! It makes it easier for the Hyde family and I to be away from the Cross Cancer knowing that Kavan has visitors.

This past Thursday a close friend and I volunteered for the Canadian Cancer Society delivering Daffodils for their spring campaign. Throughout the last year Kavan and I have spoken frequently about how we could give back when his treatment is complete. I decided to get started a little earlier and I have to say it was lots of fun. April is Daffodil month. If you are able, I urge you to buy a bunch of daffodils or wear a daffodil pin. I saw this frightening quote on the Canadian Cancer Society's website, "Every three minutes Cancer picks a fight with another Canadian". It really is scary. Personally, I never thought I would be so close to the cause at such a young age. Kavan's fight has inspired me to do a little to help others out. I have a hard time donating money as a poor student but I can donate my time!

Daffodil Days
This weekend we escaped to Lac La Biche for some much needed rest and relaxation. Winter remains in full effect up there and Kavan and I found that out the hard way on our "nature walk". Something to laugh about later, I suppose.

Last night we celebrated Easter with the Hyde family. Kavan planned an elaborate Easter egg hunt for Patrick. It made him so happy to hear Patrick's enthusiastic shrieks.

Easter Egg Hunt

Now on to week 39. Kavan has a full month ahead of him. He has multiple scans and appointments. After this week, I do not believe that he works a full week this month. Eeek!

Have a good week and safe travels to Mrs. Hyde who is on her way back from South Africa!