Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Goodbye May!

Wow, I've been a neglectful blogger. It's been nearly two months since I've given an update on Kavan.

Kavan is doing well! His last scans at his nine-month check-up were entirely clear and, most importantly, he survived his bachelor party weekend! He had a fantastic time in Phoenix with his buddies and I think just generally enjoyed being healthy!

Otherwise, life has been continuing on as usual. I am out of classes for the summer and Kavan is plugging away at work and studying for his CPA. Our wedding is coming up quickly and we are busy with final preparations. Hard to believe it's nearly been 18 months since we were engaged!

Kavan is currently away for some sun and golfing with his Dad! He's finally gotten back to one of his loves: scuba diving!

Kavan and I last year: don't worry it's just photobooth!